Goldendale by Starlight
Photo via

Last night after dinner, we sat on the front porch, watching the color drain from the night sky. It was much clearer than our visit 12 months ago, when smoke from nearby wildfires blotted out the Goldendale sky, much like the smoke blanketing California back home right now.

First one star winked on, then another. A shooting star streaked between the pine trees. Faraway planes and satellites moved steadily along their paths. More stars popped into view, until a dizzying cloud of small lighted pinpricks filled our view.

A soft breeze rustled in the tree tops, tugging like waves on the shore. Clear notes from a wind chime punctuated the gentle night sounds.

Someday I want to live somewhere like this, far enough from the city to escape the light pollution.

Wind ruffles tall trees
Stars wink on, filling the sky
Chimes pierce the night air

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